
QISS Weekly Update: Week 14 – 2016-2017

Table of Contents

Dear QISS Families and Friends,

Please check the important announcements from week 14 below. We hope you enjoy the photo highlights from the past week. Also, please don’t forget to attend the Talent Show next Wednesday, and be sure to purchase your Holiday Gala tickets before they sell out!



Talent Show

This 2016 QISS Talent Show is next Wednesday, November 23rd. Please join us for what will surely be an afternoon of excellent entertainment.


Congratulations to Class of 2015-2016 Alumnus, Sunah Hwang

We have been notified that our former student, Sunah Hwang, has been accepted into YonSei University in Korea, which is one of the top three universities in Korea. This is a tremendous honor for Sunah and a testament to her hard work, and the excellent results we produce here at QISS. Very few students from Qingdao were accepted into YonSei University this year, so it is an especially great achievement for Sunah.

Sunah is our second students from the Class of 2015-2016 to be accepted to YonSei University!

2015-16년도 졸업생 황선아 학생이 연세대학교에 합격소식을 전해왔습니다. 황선아학생은 재학 중 늘 성실히 노력한 결과 좋은 결실을 맺게 되었습니다. 올해  청도지역에서 연세대학교의 입학률을 볼때 황선아 학생의 결과가 그 어느때보다 값지다고 볼수 있습니다.

2015-16 학년도 QISS졸업생중 황선아 학생은 곽수민학생에 이어 두번째 연세대 합격자 입니다.


Holiday Gala

On December 10th, QISS family members, staff, and guests will be coming together for the QISS “Great Gatsby” Holiday Gala.


12월10일은QISS가족분과,직원그리고 초대손님들을 위한 “위대한 개츠비” 갈라연회가 열립니다.


Every year we come together to celebrate the approaching holiday season and the friendships that we have formed throughout our community. It is an amazing night filled with cocktails, dinner, music, games, and laughter.


매년 저희는 연말연시를 함께 즐기고 커뮤니티와의 뜻깊은 시간을 함께 나누고자 본 연회를 준비해왔습니다. 본 연회는 칵테일,만찬,음악,게임 그리고 즐거움이 가득한 멋진 밤이될것입니다.


The Holiday Gala is also a PTA fundraising event. Like last year, the goal is to raise funds for a school in Jimo (Jimo Hope Primary School). The QISS PTA supported this primary school last year and hope to do even more for them this year.


또한 갈라연회는 PTA의 기금마련 행사이기도 합니다. 지난해와 마찬가지로 지모에 있는 지모희망초등학교의 지원모금행사를 준비하고 있습니다. 지난해 PTA는 지모희망초등학교를 지원하였고 올해는 더많은 도움을 줄수 있기를 기대합니다.


We hope that all of our parents and close friends will be able to join us for this event at the Shangri-La Hotel on Saturday, December 10th. You can purchase your ticket for the event by visiting the School Development Office at QISS. You can contact the School Development office on office@qiss.org.cn or by calling the main office on 0532-6889-8888. Tickets are 350RMB.


올해 갈라는 12월10일 토요일 샹그리라 호텔에서 열리며 많은 학부모님 그리고 가까운 주변분과 함께 참석하여 좋은시간 보내시길 기대합니다. 갈라티켓은 학교School Development Office에서 구매하실수 있으시며 office@qiss.org.cn 혹은 0532-6889-8888로 문의바랍니다. 티켓은 350위안입니다.


Please note that this is an adult event. No children are allowed to attend.


본 행사는 성인들을 위한행사이며 미성년자들은 참여할수 없습니다.


ASAP 1st Session Has Ended

Please be aware that the 1st session of after-school activities ended on Thursday, November 17th. All school buses will now begin departing school at 3:30pm each day until the next ASAP session begins.


School Life

Inquiry: Student Artifacts

There’s nothing we love more than to show off brilliant examples of inquiry in action. This week, please have a look at the work from student Danny Ding. This was created in the Web Design unit of inquiry titled “Create your own personal logo”. The inquiry essential question was “How can I use design principles to make a powerful impact?”. As you can see from Danny’s design and artistic statement, he really nailed this assignment.

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Click the link below to see more highlights from week 14.

2016-2017 Week 14

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2016-2017 Academic Calendar

  • November 18: First ASAP session ends
  • November 23: Talent Show / Q2 Progress Reports
  • November 24-25: American Thanksgiving Holiday
  • December 3: SAT
  • December 10: PTA Holiday Gala
  • December 16: End of Q2 / Q2 Key Assignments / Winter Program
  • December 19 – January 6: Winter Break
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