

Child Safeguarding

QISS is aligned with the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and the recommendations of the International Task Force on Child Protection (ITFCP) that has set the standards for child safeguarding in schools worldwide.

At QISS, we adhere to the guidance and recommendations of the International Task Force for Child Protection:

“Schools have a duty of care to protect children and prevent them from harm, and act with a sense of urgency if a child is at risk of harm.” (ITFCP, 2014)
QISS expects all individuals and groups affiliated with the school community, including but not limited to: staff, parents, volunteers, service and activity providers, associated agencies, interns, contractors, guests, and visitors, to act with integrity and to take responsibility for keeping students safe. In coordination with the recommendations of the ITFCP, we hold ourselves to a high standard of effective recruiting practices with specific attention to child protection. Applicants must be willing to undergo a thorough background check including a police clearance report every two years as well as previous employer reference checks. 
QISS strives to be a Child Safe Organization in which everyone in the community is:
  • Aware of the signs and dangers of child abuse;
  • Committed to preventing harm to young people;
  • Able to respond and report any concerns regarding student safety and wellbeing.
Safeguarding is a proactive approach that aims to prevent harm and promote the well-being of children. Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility.
Child Protection addresses known or suspected cases of abuse or neglect. Child protection is concerned with protecting children who are already experiencing harm or are at risk of harm.
All staff at QISS are trained annually in Safeguarding &Child Protection.  QISS has four key personel who work closely with the Designated Safeguarding Officers to ensure the wellbeing of students by monitoring incidences of suspected abuse or neglect, convening teams of relevant colleagues to make decisions about student welfare, and making referrals, internally and externally, to specialist colleagues in order to support students who are in need.
The Designated Safeguarding Offices are: 
Jo Veale, Curriculum Coordinator/ Safeguarding Lead jveale@qiss.org.cn
Adan Abrogina, K-12 Counselor  aabrogina@qiss.org.cn  
April Fan, Head of Chinese april@qiss.org.cn
The Child Safeguarding Team also includes: 
Dr Brian Brumsickle, Director, bbrumsickle@qiss.org.cn  
Paula OConnell, Lower School Principal poconnell@qiss.org.cn  
Dominic Adie, Upper School Principal dadie@qiss.org.cn
Any member of the school community with a Safeguarding / Child Protection concern should contact any of the above colleagues.

Expressed Concern Form :

Form in English or Chinese language:

Form in English or Korean language:

Child Safeguarding Policy

Download QISS Child Safeguarding Policy [Click Here]

Adult Visitor Guidelines and Code of Conduct

  • QISS supports a culture of mutual respect; all communications should be positive, respectful and inclusive.
  • Visitors must display the QISS visitor’s pass prominently at all times.
  • Permission from QISS must be granted before taking any photos or videos; no images of students may be shared by unauthorized individuals in any social media or online forum; any images of students must be deleted after the permitted purpose is complete.
  • Visitors may use toilets designated for adults only; no use of student toilets is permitted.
  • Visitors must not take personal information from any student nor give personal information to any student including contact details and social media profiles, unless permission is granted.
  • Visitors must never be alone with any student, nor touch any student, nor invade any student’s personal space.
  • Visitors must not respond to physical contact from any student; if contact occurs, visitors must report it immediately to the Child Protection Officer.

Visitors must report any suspicious or unacceptable behaviour including physical or verbal abuse by and/or between any student or adult.

Strengthen Your Child Safeguarding Policies for a Safer Tomorrow

Every kid needs a safe, loving environment, and at QISS, we are aware of this, particularly in learning environments. This is why we are committed to providing thorough Child safeguarding policies that assist institutions and businesses in guarding their employees. Our customized solutions center on building safe environments where kids may flourish, and protecting becomes a shared duty among all the community members.

We provide the tools and direction you need, whether your present policies require professional Student safeguarding support to apply best practices or you want to change them. From risk analyses to staff development, our offerings guarantee that you keep ahead in fostering a safe and caring culture. Under our direction, safeguarding is a dedication to the well-being of your pupils rather than just a policy.

Take action for an issue to develop; tackle child safety policies with initiative. Let’s enable every youngster to live in safer, more encouraging surroundings. Get in touch right now to find out how we could help with your safeguarding requirements and permanently improve your community.

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