
QISS Weekly Update: Week 29 – 2016-2017

Table of Contents

Dear QISS Families and Friends,

April is always a very busy month at QISS and this April is no different. We have returned from the Spring Break and are now into the 4th Quarter in full-force. The whole school is abuzz with the sounds of learning, and on this particular Friday, the sounds of Science Fair projects being completed. That’s right. Next Monday we will celebrate our annual QISS Science Fair. Read more below.

After Science Fair we move straight into the Student-Led Conferences on Tuesday and Wednesday, followed by the first ever QISS hosted ACAMIS Soccer Tournament. This soccer tournament is very special because, as a small school, it is an honour for QISS to host such a large event, with students coming from some of the biggest international schools in China. The following week we have have another Open House Tour where members of the QISS community and families of prospective students can tour the school and learn more about our academic programs. On that Friday QISS then hosts the 4th Annual ACAMIS MathQuest and Rubik’s Cube Tournament. This is the 4th time QISS has hosted this event; a unique ACAMIS event invented by QISS.

QISS Weekly Update: Week 29 - 2016-2017




Science Fair

Dear Parents,

亲爱的家长们  학부모님께,


You are invited to attend the Science Fair next Monday, April 17th.  We have an action packed day beginning with our opening at 8:30AM in the Gym.  From 9:00AM – 12:00PM students will be presenting projects and trying hands-on science activities.  Judging also begins at 9:00AM and ends at 12:00PM.  In the afternoon there are two specific activities for Lower School and Upper School.  The Awards Ceremony begins at 1:35PM. You are invited to attend all of the day’s events or stop by for a portion.  Please see the attached schedule for the specific timeline of events for the day.


4월17일 월요일에 있을 사이언스 페어(과학전시회)에 학부모님들을 초대합니다.

오전 8시30분 대강당에서 개회식을 시작으로 오전 9시부터 12시까지 다양한 학생들의 전시회와 과학관련 행사가 열리게 됩니다. 전시회 심사는 오전 9시부터 12까지 이며 점심식사 후에는 두개의 중요한 과학관련행사가 초등부와 중고등부에서 열리게 됩니다. 이후 오후 1시35분부터는 시상식이 시작됩니다. 이날 전 프로그램 혹은 원하시는 부분에 학부모님들께서 참석하실 수 있습니다. 아래의 행사 스케줄표를 참고하시어 많은 참관 부탁드리겠습니다.


A Science Fair project is an exciting and meaningful learning experience for all students. Not only can students enter and compete for trophies and awards, but more importantly students have an opportunity to apply the many skills they are learning in the various academic subjects to real world problems and issues.  A science fair project cuts across almost every curriculum, including; thinking skills, organizational skills, Language Arts, Math, Social Studies, and Science.


사이언스 페어는 모든 학생들에게 있어 흥미롭고 의미있는 배움의 경험을 주는 프로젝트 입니다. 사이언스 페어에 참가해 트로피나 상장을 놓고 경쟁할뿐 아니라 학생들이 현실 세계에서 일어나는 실제 문제에 그동안 배운 학생들의 다양한 학업 과목을 적용시키는 기회라 할수 있어 그 의미가 매우 중요합니다. 사이언스 페어 프로젝트를 통해 사고력, 조직력, 영어, 수학, 사회, 과학 등의 대부분 과정을 어우를 수 있습니다.


Of course, learning about science is at the heart of a Science Fair project. Our society relies more on science every day, and Science Fairs are a great way for students to become more knowledgeable about how the world around them works. Every citizen needs sufficient science literacy to make educated decisions about what he or she reads in the media, about health care, and about other every-day problems.


물론 사이언스 페어의 주 목적은 과학을 배우는데 있습니다. 우리 사회는 매일 과학에 의존하고 있으며 사이언스 페어를 통하여 학생들이 세상과 주변환경이 어떻게 조화롭게 작동되고 있는지를 알수 있는 좋은 방법이기도 합니다. 모든 시민들 미디어매체, 건강관리 그리고 매일 직면하는 문제에 해답을 찾기위해 충분한 과학적 학문지식이 필요합니다.


The science fair is an opportunity for students to apply the scientific method to conduct independent research. The results of each student’s research are presented in a school wide science fair where the student’s efforts are displayed and where students are interviewed to determine scientific merit.


사이언스 페어는 학생들에게 과학적 방법을 통해 독립된 연구를 시행하는 기회를 갖게됩니다. 학생들이 그동안 노려해온 연구결과는 교내 모든학생들에게 전시가 되며 과학적 지식을 측정할수 있는 인터뷰도 함께 이루어 지게 됩니다.


While Grade 12 students will not be completing traditional science fair projects, they have faced a different set of challenges. Grade 12 developed two different activities for the lower grades to participate in, based on the topics they studied this year. They will lead these activities during the Science Fair.


12학년 학생들이 전통적 방식의 사이언스 페어 프로젝트를 완성할수 없게됨으로 그들은 새로운 도전에 참여할 예정입니다.  12학년 학생들은 올해 연구해온 주제를 바탕으로 두가지 다른 학년들의 활동에 참여하게 되었습니다.  그들은 이번 사이언스 페어를 이끌어 나갈 임무를 맡게 되었습니다.


The Science Fair, along with other associated activities, is an important motivational tool to encourage student engagement in the sciences, and ongoing science studies. It contributes to their social development by giving students the opportunity to practice their presentation and verbal English skills. Students are also working to develop mindful hearts by displaying courage, intelligence, and sensitivity.


사이언스 페어는 다양한 활동들과 어울려 과학과목을 더욱더 흥미롭고 참여를 동기부여 시키는 중요한 역할을 하고 있습니다. 이 기회를 통해 학생들에게 대중 앞에서의 프레젠테이션을 통해 영어 구술 능력과 사회성을 기를수 있는 기회생각됩니다. 학생들은 또한 용기,지성,배려 등을 보여줌으로 배려심있는 마음을 기르는데 큰 도움이 되리라 생각됩니다.


Warm Regards,

Mr. Michael Page

QISS K-12 Principal


QISS Weekly Update: Week 29 - 2016-2017


On Thursday, April 13th, 2017 the QISS PTA and representatives from the QISS Leadership Team traveled to our friendship school in Jimo; Jimo Hope Primary School. The purpose of the trip was two-fold; first, to deliver the donated books and sports equipment provided by the kindhearted QISS community, and second, to celebrate a breaking-ground ceremony for the new basketball court being built through PTA donations.

In 2015, QISS student ambassadors visted the school, met with the principal and students, and decided what they would like the PTA to focus their efforts on. It was decided back then they they wanted the PTA to raise money to help build a basketball court for the school. Currently, the basketball rings are on a gravel pitch, which the student ambassadors didn’t feel provided the safety these students deserve. Since then, the PTA has focused two QISS-PTA Holiday Galas on raising the funds needed to build this basketball court. Finally, together with a generous donation of 4,200 from one member of the QISS community, matched with an 8,000 top-up donation directly from the PTA general fund,  the PTA managed to raise the total amount required to build the court.

On Thursday, there was a very simple breaking-ground ceremony, and the PTA met with the construction company representative who will complete the job. They are also doing this job at a very discounted rate; not charging for the labour.

Kudos to the PTA for this amazing effort. Below is the speech delivered by Arna Maul, PTA President;

“Dear esteemed members of the Jimo Hope Primary School Community,

Thank you for having us at your lovely school. It is a pleasure to be here and see you all on this warm spring morning. The beautiful flowers blooming across Qingdao and Jimo are like our school’s students, growing strongly and bringing happiness to our hearts.

The idea of building a basketball court was a dream of our student ambassadors who visited the school one year ago. They wanted to do something that would bring joy and happiness to the children every day.

Over the past year the QISS PTA have held several events to raise the funds for this basketball court. All of the funds have been raised through donations by QISS parents and teachers, so in a way, a piece of every QISS community member is in this basketball court.

We look forward to many more opportunities to work together with this school. Education is an ongoing process of cooperation, and we hope that through cooperation between our schools, we can enhance the lives of all our children and build a more cohesive society.

We hope that this basketball court will be an ongoing symbol of the friendship between Jimo Hope Primary School and Qingdao No.1 International School. Of Shandong Province.

Thank you.”

Please click the link below to see some photos from the PTA visit and basketball court ground-breaking ceremony.

PTA ~ Jimo Hope Primary School – Basketball Court Breaking Ground Ceremony

Click here to see a post created by the Jimo Hope Primary School about the event.

Week 29 School Life photos

Please click the link below to see some photos from our the school in week 29.

2016-2017 Week 29


2016-2017 Academic Calendar

  • April 17: Science Fair
  • April 18-19: Student-Led Conferences / Half Day
  • April 20-22: ACAMIS Soccer at QISS
  • April 25: Open House Tour
  • April 28: ACAMIS MathQuest and Rubik’s Cube Tournament at QISS
  • May 1-3: Labor Day Holiday
  • May 4-11: AP Examinations
  • May 12-13: ACAMIS Track & Field in Beijing
  • May 16: Teacher In-service / Student Half-day
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